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BluEdge - Commissioning


Ensure your plant operates correctly from day one.
BluEdge - Supporting you in the long term

High quality commissioning and plant start up

Our factory-trained engineers provide expert commissioning to ensure your plant operates correctly from day one, and delivers the performance and efficiency anticipated at the design stage.
This covers the critical area of controls, ensuring plant dovetails with other HVAC and building systems, to provide the best possible performance and conditions within the building.
CIAT engineers are constantly updated and refreshed on the latest technological innovations in equipment, and have access to detailed current service and operational data. Therefore, you can be confident that your equipment will run efficiently and reliably and deliver the performance expected.


After commissioning, your equipment is covered by warranty. Regular maintenance is essential to keep your equipment runing efficiently. For an extended warranty, contact your local CIAT service office.

Warranty option to fit your need:

1 year

2 years

3 years and +

Picto commissioning

Commissioning services

  • Start-up of original plant following installation;
  • Re-commissioning of HVAC plant following seasonal shutdown or modification to the building services and/or control systems;
  • Training in equipment use and control for end users and building managers;
  • Equipment manuals.

We constantly adapt our service offer to your needs
Contact us to commission your equipment and system


Would you like to request commissioning from us?
You can do so by performing the final check

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BluEdge service tiers

There are varying tiers to suit your requirements, whether for a single building or a national estate*:


An economical solution for customers with IoT-enabled equipment that collects real-time data to improve staff efficiency and reduce unplanned downtime.


Complete preventive maintenance and technical expertise including proactive monitoring of health, efficiency and performance with actionable insights to identify opportunities for reducing operating costs and avoiding failures.


Our Elite plan is the ultimate worry-free, peace of mind program for clients. Realizing building comfort, efficiency and operational goals with CIAT turn-key solutions powered by predictive analytics and OEM expertise.

*Check your local website for the detailed offer in your country.

Find the service that suits you best
BluEdge - Maintenance
Benefit from our expertise as part of preventative, corrective and predictive maintenance.
BluEdge - Repairs
Repair or replacement of moving parts and maintainable components that may have failed unexpectedly.
BluEdge - Commissioning
Parts & accessories
High spare parts quality to ensure the reliability and durability of your equipment.
BluEdge - Modernization
Securing operation through your product lifecycle.